Right before I hit the stage, I smile

Right before I hit the stage, I smile

Sunday, December 13, 2009

3 Successful Runs

I just finished 3 productions at one time. The Paul Robeson Theatre, The Negro Ensemble Repertory and Isaiah's Dream. I believe 2 of the casting directors that I invited showed up. I am so glad they came out to see me perform. I hope they call me for auditions. I'm only sure about one of them that came, I did not get the name of the other casting director but I'm excited because they took the time to support me and the cast. Well what's next.....Audition time again for next year shows. I do continue with Isaiah's Dream - January 8th is the next performance. This has been a great year. This was the most lead parts I had in one year. I'm sure there will be more leads next year. So I'm excited to see what God has instore for me. May it be a year of abundance for all of us.