I'm back from North Carolina and the show was a success. I played Kee Kee and everyone said that I carried the show. I think we all did a great job. I'm praying now that we go national. The film I was waiting on "Third Miracle" moved out of NC so that was just too bad. But there will be other films. I appreciate all of the support from my family and friends who traveled to North Carolina to the Carolina Theatre in Durham to see the show. I'm so glad they made it. It was the first time I got to play the villain and the Ingenue, I enjoyed it so much and I'm sure the experience has help me grow as an actress. To really develop a character and make her my own was a great challenge. Well here's to the future. Oh, The theater company I was with in Long Island has folded for the time being. The Director is unable to find more talent for the shows he had for 2007. So as for right now the JellyBean theater is on Hiatus. Part of me is kind of glad, because I couldn't afford to keep traveling out to Comack, Long Island for Rehearsals with no chance of paid performances. So it's time to move on to the next level. God is so awesome and I cannot wait to see what He has instore for me next.
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